Alex had a record winning Madden '06 game today, ending 70-10 vs. Indianapolis Colts!
Dylan went to the Betty Brinn Children's Museum today with his best friend!!
Jackjack turned 6 months old yesterday. He's now a 18lb, 6oz bundle o' happiness!!!
The Packers are kicking ass -so far- it's only the 2nd quarter-OH THEY JUST SCORED- 31-10!!!!
I was offered a booth at Johnson Bank during Mukwonago's Fall Fest [September 19th], and they said I can have my art in the lobby over the winter!!!!!
I finished the ETACC logo, much to my surprise considering my struggle with Photoshop, and they LOVED it!!!!!!
As I said, eventful.
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
23 hours ago