Today Alex won his 2nd game- they are now 2-1 & I couldn't be more excited for him. He was credited with a tackle today [and NATURALLY I was in the bathroom]. I started painting the boys' room. When I was pregnant, Dylan offered to share his room with the baby, and today, well this week, that desire will come true. I'm painting the walls a light gray and will be painting a stripe of "Space" around their whole room. Dylan wants a huge mural above his bed, which he'll get, but one thing at a time here, okay? I want to test out my pinstriping tape & his wall will be a good place to see what I can get done. Right now, while I waiting for my space stripe to dry I'm writing & uploading pics to facebook.
Tomorrow is Dylan's birthday... my firstborn turns 6 years old. :exhales:

Happy Birthday little man.